When you have so many machines, the ssh_config will become large and hard to find the exact host.
OpenSSH Series 8: OpenSSH with alias
The last blog introduced wildcards, which make things easier, but not the easiest.
OpenSSH Series 7: OpenSSH with Wildcards
Through previous blogs, you can control a few Linux servers. But in this blog, I'll share how to control numerous machines.
OpenSSH Series 6: Port Forwarding
In this blog, I'll share some commands for using the OpenSSH tunnel.
OpenSSH Series 5: Jump Server and HTTP proxy
When I work for a company, for some security reasons, I should connect to the jump server before connecting to the real server.
OpenSSH Series 4: Reuse ssh connection
Thanks to the OpenSSH developers, it supports multiplexing which allow us to use an already establihed TCP connection when we want to connect to the remote server. This blog will talk about how to use this feature.
OpenSSH Series 3: Mount with sshfs
When we log in to the Linux server, we need to transfer files back and forth. You may have used the scp, but I recommend using sshfs when transfering too many files.
OpenSSH Series 2: Use ssh config
The previous post discussed the private key login, which saves you from having to enter your password every time. In this blog, I'll share the ssh config file to help you log in with your Linux hostname.
OpenSSH Series 1: Login without password
For those who are just using OpenSSH as a connection tool, you may be pleased to know that there are plenty of features you might not notice at all. Here I will share some commands in my daily work, and I hope some of them will help you too.
How to use wrk to generate HTTP payloads
There are some simple Lua scripts in the wrk repo, but sometimes we need to generate HTTP payload dynamically to test the server. This blog could help you to create your own script.